A Museum With A Comprehensive Paradigm
Rudana Museum is a museum that was conceptualized, built and developed with a comprehensive paradigm. By occupying the building that was specially designed as a museum, Museum Rudana incorporates the profane philosophy (holy), where each building in this Museum carries symbols of human devotion to God the mighty Creator.
concept of Museum Rudana as a profane spatial structure was created by its Founder, Museum Rudana. Nyoman Rudana. With the concept of Tri Hita Karana, he envisioned a building that combines spatial, environment: internal and external covering surrounding residents, which includes everything on the spatial structure: human, management , staff, the museum's collection and all the factors that support the solid foundation of Museum Rudana.

The Grand Spouse Programme (September-2011) ...more
article & archives

Kunjungi Museum Rudana, Raja Malaysia Tanda Tangani Prasasti Tri Aksara ...more
Author: Jean Couteau
Size: 280 x 240 mm
Pages: 312, Hardcover in colour
Published in 2011 for Yayasan Seni Rudana
Bali Inspires
Masterpieces of Indonesian Art
A note From the President of the Rudana
Om Swastiastu,
Welcome to the Website of the Rudana
In the spirit of Unity in Diversity, once again I would like to welcome all art creators, practitioners and art lovers to Museum Rudana virtually. Through virtual communication networks we hope to update the information about the latest developments Rudana Museum. Through the synergy between the Museum Rudana with the wider community we hope we can echo the art of Bali and Indonesia to international audience. ......more